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LANCache-Prefill's Icon


Downloaders, Other

This container will download and install BattleNetPrefill and/or EpicPrefill and/or SteamPrefill and run the prefill on a cron schedule. Network: It is recommended to run this container in the same network mode as the LANCache-DNS if used, by default it is set to br0 please change that if you have your LANCache server configured to work network wide on your LAN to the correct network type for your configuration. DNS: I would strongly recommend that you set the DNS manually to the LANCache-DNS if you haven't it configured to be network wide on your LAN, to do that turn on the advanced view (toggle switch in the top right corner) and at the extra parameters append: --dns=yourLANcacheSERVER (of course replace 'yourLANcacheSERVER' with the address of your LANCache-DNS). Update Notice: The container will check by default on each start/restart on new updates for BattleNetPrefill and/or EpicPrefill and/or SteamPrefill, this can be disabled if really wanted. BattleNet|Epic|Steam Prefill Notice: Steam Prefill needs to be configured to work properly, please enter the following commands and/or follow the prompts afterwards, you can close the window when you are finished: 1. Open up a container console 2. Type in 'cd ${DATA_DIR}/(BattleNet|Epic|Steam)Prefill' and press ENTER 3. Type in './(BattleNet|Epic|Steam)Prefill select-apps' and press ENTER 4. Type in './(BattleNet|Epic|Steam)Prefill select-apps' and press ENTER 5. Enter your credentials and/or follow the steps displayed 6. Select the apps you want to prefill and press ENTER 7. Done Notice: In the above example you have to choose between BattleNet, Epic or Steam so that it says BattleNetPrefill, EpicPrefill or SteamPrefill instead of (BattleNet|Epic|Steam)Prefill. (these stepps are also displayed in the container log when BatteNet/Epic/Steam isn't/aren't configured yet) If you ever want to change the apps you've selected then follow these steps again.

LCD Manager's Icon

LCD Manager beta


Drivers, Other, Plugins

Install for LCDd and lcdproc to support LCD Screens. A QNAP lcd device is icp_a106, Futher panels will be added in the future along with unRAID specific screens.

Linkwarden's Icon

|------------------------------------------------- | General Information |------------------------------------------------- Linkwarden is a self-hosted, open-source collaborative bookmark manager to collect, organize and archive webpages. The objective is to organize useful webpages and articles you find across the web in one place, and since useful webpages can go away (see the inevitability of Link Rot), Linkwarden also saves a copy of each webpage as a Screenshot and PDF, ensuring accessibility even if the original content is no longer available. Additionally, Linkwarden is designed with collaboration in mind, sharing links with the public and/or allowing multiple users to work together seamlessly. |------------------------------------------------- | Register for an Account |------------------------------------------------- After the start of the Container you need to Sign up for an Account in your own Application. |------------------------------------------------- | SSO/OAuth Integrations |------------------------------------------------- Here are all the SSO/OAuth integrations Linkwarden has ->

LTFS's Icon

This plugin adds support for LTFS. You can easily mount tape drives in Unraid.

macinabox's Icon

Downloads and installs a macOS VM. Either Monterey, Big Sur, Catalina, Mojave or High Sierra. It will download the install media from Apple servers and convert it to a usable format for use for a VM. It can fully autoinstall a macOS VM on the server. Also it can prepare all files ready for a manual install if you prefer. Tools are also provided to fix the xml when the custom xml has been stripped out of the VM after its been edited by the Unraid VM manager. Usage Operating System Version: Choose version from below Big Sur (default) Monterey Catalina Mojave High Sierra VM Images Location: Location of your vm share ( default /mnt/user/domains/ ) Install Type: Auto install # (This will download MacOS and install needed files into your VM location.) Manual- install # (This will download MacOS and put all needed files into correct place ready for easy manual install.) Vdisk size : The size you want your vdisk to be created Vdisk type: Set vdisk type raw or qcow2 Opencore stock or custom: Select the defualt Opencore in Macinabox or use one added in macinabox appdata in the folder custom_opencore Delete and replace Opencore: Select No or Yes to delete your vms opencore image and replace with fresh one. Override defualt NIC type: Default No - Override the default nic type in the vm going to be installed. VM Images Location: You only need to change if your VM images are not in the default location /mnt/user/domains VM Images Location AGAIN: Only needs changing if you changed the above. Location must match the above. Isos Share Location: This is where macinabox will put install media and Opencore bootloader Isos Share Location AGAIN: You only need to change if your ISO images are not in the default location /mnt/user/isos appdata location: If you change this you will need to do the same in the macinabox help user script

mailgun_logger's Icon

MailgunLogger is a simple admin tool that uses the Mailgun API to retrieves events on a regular basis from Mailgun - who only provide a limited time of event storage - and stores them inside a MySQL database.

mainsail's Icon

Mainsail makes Klipper more accessible by adding a lightweight, responsive web user interface, centred around an intuitive and consistent design philosophy. Download config.json BEFORE you start your container And put it in your config folder, the default is /mnt/user/appdata/mainsail/config.json Happy printing

Maintainerr's Icon

Maintainerr makes managing your media easy. Create custom rules with parameters across different services, show matching media on the Plex home screen for a given amount of days and handle the deletion.

Manyfold's Icon

Manyfold beta

Other, Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

Manyfold is a Digital Asset Manager (DAM), specifically designed for 3D print files. Create a library pointing at your files on disk, and it will scan for models and parts. It assumes that any folders containing STL or OBJ files are models, and the files within them are parts. You can then view the files easily through your browser!

MariaDB-Official's Icon

Official MariaDB database container. It allows to set a database and username without using the console. MariaDB is a community-developed, commercially supported fork of MySQL (RDBMS). Root Password: This container creates by default a random root password on initial execution. Open Docker > MariaDB Icon > Logs > Scroll down to "GENERATED ROOT PASSWORD" to find it. Creating database dumps docker exec MariaDB-Official sh -c 'exec mysqldump --all-databases -uroot -p"YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD"' > /mnt/user/Backups/all-databases.sql Restoring data from dump files docker exec -i MariaDB-Official sh -c 'exec mysql -uroot -p"YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD"' < /mnt/user/Backups/all-databases.sql

mattermost-push-proxy's Icon



Mattermost Push Notification Service. after starting mkdir /mnt/user/appdata/mattermost-push-proxy/config cd /mnt/user/appdata/mattermost-push-proxy/config wget

mbbsemu's Icon



The Major BBS Emulator: This container comes preloaded with a colorized version Crossroads of the Elements and Legend of the Red Dragon (L.O.R.D.). AbuseIPDB support has been added to combat the dirty tpc/23 scanners. You may not need this if you choose a non-standard port.

Memegen's Icon

A simple web service that generates a meme image given text and an image URL. -URL parameters: image: URL of the image top: text to add at the top of the image bottom: text to add at the bottom of the image -Syntax: memegen.example/?top=Top Text&bottom=Bottom Text&image=http://url.of/your/image.jpg

minetest's Icon

Minetest( (server) is a near-infinite-world block sandbox game and a game engine, inspired by InfiniMiner, Minecraft, and the like.

miniflux's Icon



Miniflux is a minimalist and opinionated feed reader.

minisatip's Icon

Minisatip( is a multi-threaded satip server version 1.2 that runs under Linux and it was tested with DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-C, DVB-C2, ATSC and ISDB-T cards.

Misskey's Icon

Misskey beta


Misskey is an open source, decentralized social media platform that's free forever! Notice: This template is experimental, I'm not sure if everything is configured correctly. If you notice something please report it in the forum support thread. Documentation: Installation Before you start the container for the first time you have to do the configuration. You will need a postgresdb (I tested v15) and redis. Create a misskey folder under appdata. Create a config folder inside the misskey folder. Create a default.yml inside the config folder. Paste the content of the example.yml inside. Change: url db: host, port, user, pass redis: host, port, pass You have to uncomment the redis pass (remove the #). Create a data folder inside the misskey folder. Change the owner:group of the data folder with the unraid terminal. chown -hR 991:991 /mnt/user/appdata/misskey/files/ Launch the Container.

Mopidy's Icon

Mopidy is an extensible music server written in Python. Mopidy plays music from local disk, Spotify, SoundCloud, Google Play Music, and more. You edit the playlist from any phone, tablet, or computer using a range of MPD and web clients. This is Mopidy for unraid with support for snapcast and icecast It is based on whhoesj/mopidy with additin of TuneIn and Youtube and Iris Web Interface. set up the docker set up the network to br0 with an ip set up volume mount to /mnt/user/appdata/mopidy/mopidy.conf >> /mopidy.conf set up volume mount for tmp/snapfifo if you use snapcast /mnt/user/appdata/mopidy/tmp/ >> /tmp set up volume mount for your local media generate the mopidy.conf file Doc here example here authentication for soundcloud and spotify use my docker icecast or snapcast for music streaming: for audio you need a special config for snapcast you have to generate the audio output in a pipe file /tmp/snapfifo this is mounted in both docker container output = audioresample ! audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=2,format=S16LE ! audioconvert ! wavenc ! filesink location=/tmp/snapfifo icecast output = lamemp3enc ! shout2send async=false mount=mopidy ip=X.X.X.X port=8000 password=XXXXX

Mopidy3's Icon

Mopidy is an extensible music server written in Python. Mopidy plays music from local disk, Spotify, SoundCloud, Google Play Music, and more. You edit the playlist from any phone, tablet, or computer using a range of MPD and web clients. This is Mopidy3 for unraid with support for snapcast and icecast. set up the docker set up the network to br0 with an ip set up volume mount to /mnt/user/appdata/mopidy/ >> /config/ set up volume mount for tmp/snapfifo if you use snapcast /mnt/user/appdata/mopidy/tmp/ >> /tmp set up volume mount for your local media generate the mopidy.conf file Doc here example here authentication for soundcloud and spotify *authenticate spotify use my docker icecast or snapcast for music streaming: for audio you need a special config for snapcast you have to generate the audio output in a pipe file /tmp/snapfifo this is mounted in both docker container output = audioresample ! audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=2,format=S16LE ! audioconvert ! wavenc ! filesink location=/tmp/snapfifo icecast output = lamemp3enc ! shout2send async=false mount=mopidy ip=X.X.X.X port=8000 password=XXXXX

Mopidy3's Icon

Mopidy is an extensible music server written in Python. Mopidy plays music from local disk, Spotify, SoundCloud, Google Play Music, and more. You edit the playlist from any phone, tablet, or computer using a range of MPD and web clients. This is Mopidy3 for unraid with support for snapcast and multiple instances with automatic snapcast stream management. set up the docker set up volume mount to /mnt/user/appdata/mopidy/ >> /config/ add TCP ports for MPD, HTTP and TCP ports for each additional instance you want A configuration has been autogenerated with basic settings. The template for it can be found in the container in /home/templates. It is located in /etc/mopidy Do NOT modify the part of the audio output setting that says port=4953. This is automatically replaced for each instance generated to fill in the host and port. To configure the instance and snapcast settings, copy the template to your config folder and modify it. cp /home/templates/server.json /config/.

MySQL's Icon

|------------------------------------------------- | General Information |------------------------------------------------- Official MySQL database container. It allows to set a database and username without using the console. MySQL is the world's most popular open source database. With its proven performance, reliability and ease-of-use, MySQL has become the leading database choice for web-based applications, covering the entire range from personal projects and websites, via e-commerce and information services, all the way to high profile web properties including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Yahoo! and many more. For more information and related downloads for MySQL Server and other MySQL products, please visit |------------------------------------------------- | Root Password |------------------------------------------------- This container creates by default a random root password on initial execution. Open Docker > MySQL Icon > Logs > Scroll down to "GENERATED ROOT PASSWORD" to find it. |------------------------------------------------- | Creating database dumps |------------------------------------------------- docker exec some-mysql sh -c 'exec mysqldump --all-databases -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"' > /mnt/user/Backups/all-databases.sql |------------------------------------------------- | Restoring data from dump files |------------------------------------------------- docker exec -i some-mysql sh -c 'exec mysql -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"' < /mnt/user/Backups/all-databases.sql |------------------------------------------------- | Configuration without a cnf file |------------------------------------------------- Many configuration options can be passed as flags to mysqld. This will give you the flexibility to customize the container without needing a cnf file. For example, if you want to change the default encoding and collation for all tables to use UTF-8 (utf8mb4) just append the following to the Post Arguments: --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci Here is a list of all Server System Variables -> |------------------------------------------------- | Repository tags |------------------------------------------------- If you want to install a specific version of mysql, you can simply customize the repository. For example: mysql (is the same like mysql:latest) mysql:5.7 mysql:8.2.0

NginxProxyManager-CrowdSec's Icon


Network ServicesManagement, Web, Other, Other, Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

This is a drop in replacement for jlesage/nginx-proxy-manager This fork includes the OpenResty Crowdsec Bouncer Please see the crowdsec_support branch for the changes as Nginx Proxy Manager (NPM) allows adding proxy hosts through a password-protected multi-user WebUI. Add free Let's Encrypt SSL certificates to secure your web services. They are renewed by NPM automatically. Default login: [email protected] Password: changeme

nightscout-librelink-up-uploader's Icon


Other, Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

From: "Script written in TypeScript that uploads CGM readings from LibreLink Up to Nightscout. The upload should work with at least Freestyle Libre 2 (FGM) and Libre 3 CGM sensors." This container will upload LibreLink Up (FreeStyle Libre 2/3) CGM data to your NightScout instance. Prerequesites: - Working NightScout instance - NightScout subject and access token for this uploader ( - LibreLink Up follower account already setup. I'd recommend you create a new follower just for this uploader, you risk locking up your account temporarily while you troubleshoot any problems with the uploader's configuration. Ask me how I know. Notes: - The access token must be hashed with SHA1 (you can use