Community Apps

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All the applications you love—built and maintained by a community member who understands what you need on Unraid. Love a particular app or plugin? Donate directly to the developer to support their work.

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Andrew (aka Squid) has worked tirelessly to build and enhance the experience of Community Apps for users like you.

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A speedtest docker container that forwards the data to influxDB. Download the config.ini file from before you start the container.

telegraf's Icon

Telegraf gathers metrics from your system and sends them to an InfluxDB server for storage. From InfluxDB you would typically use something like Grafana to plot the data. Both Grafana and Influxdb are available through Community Apps This version of telegraf requires you to manually place a config file at /mnt/user/appdata/telegraf/telegraf.conf The container will not start without it. The default telegraf.conf file can be extracted from telegraf by running this command before you launch telegraf docker run --rm telegraf telegraf config > /mnt/cache/appdata/telegraf/telegraf.conf Configuration Container Volumes: /var/run/docker.sock Read Only. Location of your docker socket. /var/run/utmp Read Only. Location of your utmp file. /run/udev Read Only. Allows you to identify devices based on their properties, like vendor ID and device ID /rootfs Read Only. To be mapped to the root of the host file system. This is so the disk usage reported will be that of the host system. /rootfs/etc Read Only. To be mapped to the etc of the host file system. This is so the disk usage reported will be that of the host system. /rootfs/proc Read Only. To be mapped to the proc of the host file system. This is so the disk usage reported will be that of the host system. /rootfs/sys Read Only. To be mapped to the sys of the host file system. This is so the disk usage reported will be that of the host system. Environment Variables: HOST_MOUNT_PREFIX Name of container volume mapping of the root file system. HOST_ETC Name of the etc volume mapping of the root file system. HOST_PROC Name of the proc volume mapping of the root file system. HOST_SYS Name of the sys volume mapping of the root file sytem.