Community Apps

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paperless-ng's Icon

Index and archive all of your scanned paper documents. Paperless-ng is a fork of paperless, adding a new interface and many other changes under the hood. Requirements: Paperless-ng requires Redis as external service. You can install it from the CA store. Make sure to adjust the configuration in the template accordingly. Setup: Create a user account after this container is created i.e. from Unraids Docker UI, click the paperless-ng icon and choose Console. Then enter "python createsuperuser" in the prompt and follow the instructions. Paperless-ng Documentation: Additional Template Variables:

phpldapadmin's Icon

A docker image to run phpldapadmin. It provides a user interface to an openldap database. It must be on the same custom network as openldap and must be linked via --link openldap:PHPLDAPADMIN_LDAP_HOSTS e.g. --link An example config.php can be found here:

prometheus's Icon

Prometheus is a systems and service monitoring system. It collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule expressions, displays the results, and can trigger alerts if some condition is observed to be true.

protonmail-bridge's Icon

ProtonMail Bridge for e-mail clients. After the container has started you will need to access the CLI to do the initial setup. From unraid terminal and run the following: `bash docker exec -it protonmail-bridge /bin/bash chmod +x ./ init ` Wait for the bridge to startup, use login command and follow the instructions to add your account into the bridge. Then use info to see the configuration information (username and password). After that, use exit to exit the bridge. You may need CTRL+C to exit the docker entirely. Then restart the container.

radarrsync's Icon

RadarrSync Syncs two Radarr servers through web API. This is a modified version designed to be run in a docker container. This version supports only two servers. RADARR_URL -> The endpoint of your radarr server RADARR_KEY -> The API key for your radarr server RADARR4K_URL -> The endpoint of your radarr server you want to sync to RADARR4K_KEY -> The API key for this server PROFILE_ID -> The profile number you want the video to be added with. (Start counting from Any:1 SD:2 ect Ultra-HD is normally 5. ) Ensure that the root path is the same on both servers. ie /movie

rancher's Icon

A container management platform built for organizations that deploy containers in production. The docker version of Rancher cannot be made HA (Highly Available), however the clusters it creates can be. It is also possible to connect to and use clusters created by rancher when it is down. Useful as a management interface for deploying, scaling, and editting apps on other systems. (in the cloud, a raspberry pi cluster, vms running k3os, etc.) Perfect for running and managing the apps that you'd rather not go down while maintaining your server.

Rebuild-DNDC's Icon

Rebuild Docker Network Dependent Containers, e.g. Monitor a VPN or any container and rebuild dependent containers using the VPN container network stack --net=container:vpn_cotnainer_name. RDNDC will monitor the master/vpn container during updates, restarts and after server boot. Please refer to the readme before deploying this container:

rss-bridge's Icon

RSS-Bridge is a PHP project capable of generating RSS and Atom feeds for websites that don't have one. It can be used on webservers or as a stand-alone application in CLI mode. BEFORE installing, place a copy of the default whitelist.txt from in your appdata call the file whitelist.txt, as instructed from their wiki

RTMPS-Server's Icon

This Docker image can be used to create a video streaming server that supports RTMP, RTMPS, HLS, DASH out of the box. It also allows adaptive streaming and custom transcoding of video streams. All modules are built from source on Debian and Alpine Linux base images. Stream live RTMP content to: rtmp://(server ip):1935/live/(stream_key) where (stream_key) is any stream key you specify. Stream live RTMPS content to: rtmps://(ssl_domain):1936/live/(stream_key) where (stream_key) is any stream key you specify. (Check the Github Wiki for information on setting up RTMPS support) View in VLC: rtmp://(server ip):1935/live/(stream-key) http://(server ip):8080/hls/(stream-key).m3u8 http://(server ip):8080/dash/(stream-key)_src.mpd View in Browser (assumes (stream-key) is 'test', edit the html files from the mounted directory to change this): http://(server ip):8080/players/hls.html http://(server ip):8080/players/dash.html http://(server ip):8080/players/rtmp.html

shinobi-pro-cctv's Icon

Shinobi Docker from official Dockerhub repo. Note to use GPU for hardware encoding or Object detection: 1. add --runtime=nvidia in Extra Parameters. 2. Add Nvidia GPU Devices variables ID & Driver capabilities in advanced

Yet Another Proxy (YAP) for Docker Image Environment variables will take precedence over manual changes to proxysettings.json and will persist across container restarts. This means that if you set the YAP_USERNAME and YAP_PASSWORD for instance when you create the container, these will always be placed in the proxysettings.json file, even if you edit the file manually with a text editor. For Plex setup see:

Syncs two Radarr/Sonarr/Lidarr servers through the web API. Useful for syncing a 4k radarr/sonarr instance to a 1080p radarr/sonarr instance. Note you cannot have a mix of radarr, lidarr, or sonarr config setups at the same time. You will need to setup separate instances of syncarr IMPORTANT: REMOVE THE VARIABLES YOU'RE NOT USING

traccar's Icon

Traccar is an open source GPS tracking system. This repository contains Java-based back-end service. It supports more than 170 GPS protocols and more than 1500 models of GPS tracking devices. Traccar can be used with any major SQL database system. It also provides easy to use REST API. Link to traccar.xml: Add it to your host path before starting the container.

twonky-server's Icon

TwonkyMedia server (TMS) is DLNA-compliant UPnP AV server software from PacketVideo. TwonkyMedia server can be used to share and stream media to most UPnP AV or DLNA-compliant clients, in addition to non-UPnP devices through the HTML, RSS, and JSON supported front ends.

UniFi-Poller's Icon

Collect ALL UniFi Controller, Device and Client Data - Export to InfluxDB or Prometheus. Visualize with Grafana using included dashboards IMPORTAT! ACTION REQUIRED As of UniFi Poller version 2 all of the environment variables and config file format changed. You must reconfigure this container after you upgrade READ THE INSTRUCTIONS

unpackerr's Icon

RAR download extractor for Sonarr, Radarr and Lidarr! Mount /downloads on all 3 or 4 containers to the same path on your host. This application will automatically poll all of the apps (Lidarr, Sonarr, Radarr) to check for downloads. When a completed download contains a rar file, this application will extract the file and move the extracted contents back into the download location. Files will be extracted recursively in an attempt to get all subtitles. If you don't use one of Lidarr, Sonarr or Radarr, simply empty those two fields for that app and it wont be polled. If you put all your containers on the same custom bridge you may not need to expose any ports, and you can use DNS to reach other containers. It's a very convenient configuration!

xbackbone's Icon

Container for XBackBone, a simple and lightweight ShareX PHP backend -e URL This will specify the app url, slashes need to be escaped like this -e URL= Permissions The folder on host system need to have both UID and GID 1000 Example mkdir -p /mnt/user/appdata/xbb/storage mkdir -p /mnt/user/appdata/xbb/database mkdir -p /mnt/user/appdata/xbb/logs chown -R 1000:1000 /mnt/user/appdata/xbb

xibo-cms's Icon

Xibo Content Management System Xibo’s digital signage platform is made up of a Content Management System (CMS), a choice of players, a choice of hosting options and different levels of support to meet your requirements. To get started with Xibo you need a CMS and at least 1 signage player. After the containers have come up you should be able to login with the details: U: xibo_admin P: password

xibo-xmr's Icon

XMR (Xibo Message Relay) XMR is a php application built on ReactPHP which acts as a ZeroMQ message exchange between the Xibo CMS and connected Xibo Players. It doesn't do anything beyond forward messages from the CMS to a pub/sub socket.

youtube-dl-material's Icon

YoutubeDL-Material is a self-hosted youtube-dl Server with a modern Material-based GUI and the capability to apply advanced configurations, like setting your own download paths based on rules. It is designed to be more customizable than the alternatives out there. It will also keep a record of already downloaded items. Enjoy! :)